Link to the Fairwork Ombudsman Website


Link to Cleaning Services Award from Fairwork
Fairwork - Cleaning Services Award - Pay Guide
Link to Fair Work Ombudsman Pay Calculator Tool

Employee Resources

Your Rights as an Employee in Australia
Trolley Collection Safety for Employees

Fair Work Information Statement
Fair Work Casual Employment Information Statement
Fair Work - National Employment Standards
Fair Work - Visa Holders and Migrants
Fairwork - Know the difference between employees and independent contractors (Sham Contracting)
Fair Work Commission - General protections benchbook - Sham arrangements
Fairwork - Pay Slips and Record Keeping
Fair Work Ombudsman Pay Calculator Tool
Fairwork - Protecting Vulnerable Workers Reform, 2017
ATO - Superannuation Guarantee Rate Information
Woolworths Speak Up Program

Employee Participation Review Form
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